Tong Jing Wan 痛經丸 or Tojing Wan 通經丸 - Calm in the Sea of Life
Free the Menses Pills
Calm in the Sea of Life is used for:
- Menstrual cramps
- Supports normal menstruation
TONG JING WAN TCM Uses and Properties:
- Regulates Menstruation
- Invigorates Qi and Blood
- Breaks Blood Stasis
TONG JING WAN Safety Cautions and Contra-Indications:
- Forbidden during pregnancy
- Contraindicated for extremely weak patients.
- Use with caution during heavy menstrual bleeding
- Avoid while taking anti-coagulant drugs
- Contains tree nuts
Product is intended for health care professionals or for those knowledgeable of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
TCM is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't usually recommended.
Best to purchase an online consultation at online-herbal-consultation
TONG JING WAN Serving Size
8 teapills, 3x a day, or as prescribed.
Best on an empty stomach
Granules: 2-4 g., 2-3 times a day. Best on an empty stomach
TONG JING WAN (PILL) Ingredients:
- TAO REN - 12.7%
- BAI SHA- 12.7%
- DAN SHEN -10.6%
- PU HUAN -10.%
- WU YA -10.%
- YAN HU SU -10.%
- DANG GUI - 8.%
- XIANG F - 8.%
- HONG HUA - 6.%
- TIAN QI - 6.%
TONG JING SAN (powder) Ingredients:
- SAN LENG - 10%
- E ZHU - 10%
- PU HUANG - 10%
- CHI SHAO - 10%
- DAN SHEN - 10%
- TAO REN - 10%
- HONG HUA - 10%
- DANG GUI - 10%
- WU YAO - 5%
- XIANG FU - 5%
* Information is for educational purpose and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your healthcare provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.