Shi Quan Da Bu Tang 十全大補湯 All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Formula
Ginseng ang Tangkuei Ten Combination/
Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era
The translation of the name Shi Quan Da Bu Tang means something like "The great ten all inclusive tonifying formula". Classically it was used to powerfully tonify Qi and blood while also warming the body's Yang energies.
It is traditionally prescribed to the patient suffering from deficiencies in Qi and Blood which manifest as a lack of energy, dizziness, pallor, low appetite, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, cold body sensations, spontaneous sweating, weakness in the lower extremities, or non healing chronic sores.
- Warms the Qi
- Warms the Kidneys and Yang Energy
- Strongly boosts Qi and Blood
- Bolsters appetite
- Tonifies Spleen
- Raises Qi
Astragalus root | Huang Qi |
Cinnamomi bark | Rou Gui |
Rx. Ginseng | Ren Shen |
Steamed foxglove root | Shu Di Huang |
White Atractylodes root | Bai Zhu |
Angelicae Sinensis root | Dang Gui |
White Paeony root | Bai Shao |
Rx. Chuanxiong | Chuan Xiong |
Poria mushroom | Fu Ling |
Licorice root | Zhi Gan Cao |
Ginger Rhizome | Sheng Jiang |
Jujube Fruit | Da Zao |
SHI QUAN DA BU TANG Safety and Contraindications
- Contraindicated for those with Heat or Excess disorders.
Pregnant or nursing women should consult their health care provider before taking any supplement.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. As TCM is not based on symptoms alone, self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended. Best to start a low cost online-herbal-consultation.
Dosage and Administration of SHI QUAN DA BU TANG
Tablets: 6 tablets,2-3 times a day, or as prescribed
Granules: 2-4 grams, taken 2-3 times a day, best on an empty stomach
Whole Herbs: Using a container made of ceramic, glass, or stainless steel (no aluminum, iron or copper) boil 1 packet of herbs in 2-quarts of water for 40 minutes or until 2 cups of medicine remain. Strain, and refrigerate herbs for a second boiling. Good quality herbs can be boiled two times. Drink 1 cup in the AM. And 1 cup in the PM.
Tips on Boiling Chinese Herbal Decoctions
The odors and flavors of Chinese herbs are legendary, and drinking the tea will provide the most potent form of this medicine. But these odors can sometimes be difficult to take. So be sure to ventilate the kitchen while boiling the herbs.
Chinese herbs are boiled for 20 - 60 minutes. Boiling times are averaged according to the composition of the formula. Flower and leaf will yield medicine in 5 -20 minutes. Roots take 20 to 40 minutes; Shells and minerals must cook for at least one hour. A few herbs, like mint or tangerine peel, must be quick-boiled for only 1-5 minutes to retain their volatile oils. These herbs are added separately to the boiling mixture just before completion.
* What’s the Difference Between, PIAN, WAN, TANG, SAN, SHUI and GAO?
- PIAN = Tablet (modern looking pill)
- WAN = Pill (old-style or handmade pill, or black teapill)
- TANG = Water Decoction (boiled whole herbs)
- SAN = Powder (milled or granulated)
- SHUI = Tincture (extract with alcohol or other solvent)
- GAO = Paste (topical unguent or plaster)
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