Dry Cough Powder - Li Fei San 利肺散
Herbs for Dry Cough or Cough with Very Little Phlegm

This kind of cough generally follows a cold or respiratory illness. It is not caused by infection but rather from dry and irritated lungs, which have been depleted by illness or low Lung Qi.
Made In USA With Extra-Strength Concentrated Low-Temperature Water Extracted Herbs.
When to Use Dry Cough Powder
Many over-the-counter (OTC) Chinese patent remedies are available to relieve coughs.
In TCM, coughing can be more than just a symptom of a respiratory illness; coughing can also be a sign of diminished Lung QI. Quite often, respiratory disharmony can result in weakened Lung QI, or diminished Lung YIN. Persistent dryish cough following a common cold is the most common example of this kind of cough.
Lacking the concept of QI, Western medicine has no products that can alleviate coughing from diminished QI or YIN. Chinese OTC products, on the other hand, provide workable solutions to these problems.
Use Dry Cough for
- Dry or dryish Cough
- Lung YIN Deficiency
- Lung QI Deficiency
Prolonged Cough Following Any Respiratory Infection
Dry Cough Safety
Formulas are intended for health care professionals or for those knowledgeable of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
TCM is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't usually recommended.
Best to start an online consultation at online-herbal-consultation
Dry Cough Ingredients
- BAI BU......Stemona. . . . . . Stemona Root
- SHA SHEN.....Glehnia . . . Beech Silvertop Root
- PI PA YE.....Eriobotrya. . . . . Loquat Leaf
- WU WEI ZI.....Schizandra . . . . .Five flavor Fruit
- TIAN MEN DONG.....Asparagus . . . . . Asparagus Tuber
- GE JIE.....Gekko geko . . . . . Gecko Lizard
- GAN CAO.....Glycyrrhiza. . . . . Licorice Root
Dry Cough Dosage
Dissolve 1 level tablespoon of granules in any liquid, food, or syrup. Take 3 times a day for 5 days. Best taken on an empty stomach.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Pregnant or nursing women should consult their health care provider before taking any supplement.