Chu Kou Wei Pian 除口味片 - BreathNew™
BreathNew™ (Chu Kou Wei Pian, 除口味片) is a Chinese herbal remedy specially formulated to help clear stomach Heat and freshen breath.
CHU KOU WEI PIAN Ingredients
- Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia root)
- Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica root)
- Mu Dan Pi (Peony bark)
- Huang Lian (Coptis rhizome)
- Sheng Ma (Black Cohosh rhizome)
- Mai Dong (Ophiopogon tuber)
- Da Huang (Rhubarb root)
- Hou Po (Magnolia bark)
- Zhi Shi (Immature bitter orange)
(Proportions are proprietary.)
Pregnant women should always consult their healthcare provider before taking any supplement.
TCM is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't usually recommended. Best to start an online-herbal-consultation .
Dosage and Administration of CHU KOU WEI PIAN
Tablets: 5 tablets taken 2-3 times a day, or as prescribed
* What’s the Difference Between, Chu Kou Wei PIAN, WAN, TANG, or SAN?
- PIAN = Tablet (modern looking pill)
- WAN = Pill (old-style or handmade pill, or black teapill)
- TANG = Water Decoction (boiled whole herbs)
- SAN = Powder (milled or granulated)
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.