Xiao Feng San 消風散 - Eliminate Wind Powder
Dispersing Wind-Evil - Tangkuei and Arctium Formula
What's XIAO FENG SAN Used For?
Xiao feng san, known as Eliminate Wind Powder is a widely used Chinese medicine for acute skin conditions such as rash, hives (urticaria), and contact dermatitis. Centuries of clinical as well as modern studies have proven that Xiao Feng San can alleviate pruritic, weepy, itchy, red skin lesions caused by wind-heat.
XIAO FENG SAN TCM Uses and Properties
- Dispels Wind
- Drains Dampness
- Clears Heat
- Cools the Blood
- Supports Normal Skin
- Skin Rash
- Itchy Rash
- Inflamed Skin
- Allergic Rash
- Heat Rash
XIAO FENG SAN Safety Cautions and Contra-Indications
- Avoid foods which are thought to stimulate Wind, such as alcohol, coffee, spicy foods, seafood, as well as smoking, while taking this formula.
- Contraindicated for those with marked Qi or Blood deficiency.
- Contains sesame. (Not in ActiveHerb tablets)
- Contains animal product.
Pregnant or nursing women should consult their health care provider before taking any supplement.
Formulas are intended for health care professionals or for those knowledgeable of Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended for chronic, recurring, or serious illness. Best to Find a Local Practitioner or Start an E-mail Consultation now.
XIAO FENG SAN ingredients
Jing Jie | 5% |
Releases the Surface, Expels Wind, Eliminates rashes, and Soothes itching. |
Fang Feng | 10 |
Releases theSurface, Expels Wind |
Niu Bang Zi | 10 |
Disperses Wind-Heat, Clears Internal Heat |
Chan Tui | 5 |
Expels Wind, clears internal Heat. |
Cang Zhu | 10 |
Dries Dampness, Expels Wind-Damp |
Ku Shen | 5 | Clears Heat, Dries Dampness, Stops itching. |
Mu Tong | 10 | Drains Damp-Heat Through Urination. |
Shi Gao | 10 | Clears Heat, Drains Fire |
Zhi Mu | 10 | Clears Heat, Purges Fire, Nourishes the Yin |
Sheng Di Huang | 10 |
Cools Blood and Clears Heat. |
Dang Gui | 5 |
Nourishes and invigorates Blood, Expels Pus |
Huo Ma Ren or He Zhi Ma | 5 |
Moistens Dryness, Lubricates the Intestines |
Gan Cao | 5 |
Clears Heat and Toxicity, Promotes Absorption to Harmonizes and Potentiate the other herbs |
* ActiveHerb version has slightly different ingredients/proportions.
* *These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.