SKIN BALANCE - Health Concerns
Supports Healthy Normal Complexion

Many inflammatory skin conditions, though they appear to be topical, actually stem from imbalances within the body. The most common imbalances are called Internal Heat, Damp Heat, and Heat in the Blood.
Skin Balance is a powerful formula for Clearing Internal Heat, but care should be taken in its use, because it contains some particularly cold and powerful herbs to Clear Heat, Move Blood, Cool Blood, and Clean Toxins. It also contains powerful purging herbs to exit the heat from the body. These purging herbs, DA HUANG rhubarb rz. and FAN XIE YE senna leaf, are contraindicated for pregnancy, anyone with loose stool, diarrhea, fatigue, or any other symptom of Spleen Deficiency. The formula is absent of any Spleen benefitting herb such as GAN CAO licorice root, SHENG JIANG ginger root, or FU LING poria, that are normally present in such formulas because they offset the side-effects of the other uniformly cold herbs in the formula.
SKIN BALANCE Uses And Indications Of When To Use It
- Supports Normal Healthy Skin
- Dryness
- Itching
- Skin Rash
- Pimples
Health Concerns Skin Balance's TCM Uses And Properties
- Clears Liver Heat
- Resolves Toxicity
- Dries Dampness
Health Concerns SKIN BALANCE Serving Size
2-3 capsules, 3 times a day, best on an empty stomach, or as prescribed.
SKIN BALANCE Safety And Side-Effects
Contraindicated During Pregnancy and Nursing. Reduce dosage if diarrhea occurs.
Self-diagnosis and treatment aren't recommended for chronic, recurring, or serious conditions. To insure the best outcome for yourself and minimize the chance of side effects, it's best to APPLY HERE FOR A DISCOUNTED TELEVISIT OR E-MAIL CONSULTATION.
Bai Hua She She Cao | Oldenlandia (Hedyotis) | 8% |
Ban Zhi Lian | Scute Barbata |
Chai Hu | Bupleurum |
Da Huang | Rhubarb | 2% |
Dang Gui (Shen) | Tangkuei |
Fan Xie Ye | Senna Leaf |
Fang Feng | Siler |
Hong Hua | Carthamus |
Huang Lian | Coptis |
Jin Qian Cao | Desmodium |
Jin Yin Hua | Lonicera Flower |
Long Dan Cao | Gentiana |
Sheng Di Huang | Rehmannia (raw) |
Zi Hua Di Ding | Viola |
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.