Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang 少腹逐瘀湯 - Break Blood Stasis in the Lower Abdomen
Fennel Seed and Corydalis Combination
SHAO FU ZHU YU TANG TCM Uses and Indications of when To Use
SHAO FU ZHU YU Vitalizes blood, breaks up blood stasis, and warms the channels to relieve coldness and pain. This formula is used for soreness in the lower abdomen, with or without abdominal masses.
- Menstrual cramps
- Supports normal menstrual cycle
- Vitalizes Blood
- Breaks Blood Stasis
- Warms the Channels and Collaterals
- Warms the Womb
- Dispels Cold
SHAO FU ZHU YU TANG, Safety Cautions and Contraindications
- Contraindicated for very weak people.
- Contraindicated during pregnancy, or with bleeding disorders.
- Use with caution during heavy menstrual bleeding.
- Contraindicated for people reciving anti-coagulant therapy.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. As TCM is not based on symptoms alone, self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended. Best to start a low cost online-herbal-consultation.
Tablets: 6 tablets taken 2 to 3 times daily. May be increased during acute conditions; best on an empty stomach, or as prescribed. Consult your practitioner for precise dosage based on body weight and other factors.
Granules: 2-4 grams, taken 2-3 times a day, best on an empty stomach
Whole Herbs: Using a container made of ceramic, glass, or stainless steel (no aluminum, iron or copper) boil 1 packet of herbs in 2-quarts of water for until 2 cups of medicine remain. Strain herbs; save and refrigerate for a second boiling. Drink 1 cup in the AM. And 1 cup in the PM. If desired, repeat the following day, using the saved herbs from the refrigerator.
DANG GUI, Angelica sinensis root,
PU HUANG, Typha angustifolia pollen
CHI SHAO, Paeonia lactiflora root
RU XIANG, Boswellia carterii resin,
MO YAO, Commiphora myrrha resin
YAN HU SUO, Corydalis yanhusuo rhizome
CHUAN XIONG, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome
ROU GUI, Cinnamomum cassia bark,
CHAO XIAO HUI XIANG, Foeniculum vulgare fruit-fried
CHAO GAN JIANG, Zingiber officinale rhizome-dried-fried
* Information is for educational purpose and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your healthcare provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
What’s the Difference Between, PIAN, WAN, TANG, SAN, SHUI and GAO?
- PIAN = Tablet (modern looking pill)
- WAN = Pill (old-style or handmade pill, or black teapill)
- TANG = Water Decoction (boiled whole herbs)
- SAN = Powder (milled or granulated)
- SHUI = Tincture (extract with alcohol or other solvent)
- GAO = Paste (topical unguent or plaster)