We use high-potency water extracted herb granules. Our herbs are premium grade, pesticide free, wildcrafted, or organic whenever feasible.
HONG BU GAO Ingredients
Some herbs are not available. Request formula modifications: to: sales@shenclinic.com
Margarita | Zhen Zhu | 30% |
Calomelas | Qing Fen | 10 |
Realgar N/A | Xiong Huang | 10 |
Minium | Qian Dan | 10 |
Pine tar | Song Xiang | 40 |
- Resolves toxicity
- Generates flesh
- Promotes healing
- Discharges pus
Safety and Side Effects of HONG BU GAO
Pregnant and nursing women should consult their healthcare provider before using any supplement.
Most formulas are prescribed according to a TCM diagnosis and are designed for use by practitioners. If you are not a practitioner, self-prescribing is emphatically not recommended. To insure the best outcome, and to minimize any chance of side effects, we urge you to click here and Start an E-mail Consultation.
How to Use Topical Herbs
How to Make A Soak:
Whole Herbs: Using a container made of ceramic, glass, or stainless steel (no aluminum, iron or copper) boil 1 packet of herbs in 1-quart (or liter) of water until 2 cups of medicine remain. Adjust lid and heat to control evaporation. Strain herbs; and refrigerate for a second boiling (if desired). Or as prescribed by your practitioner.
Granules: Dissolve the granules in warm water
How to Make An Herbal Compress:
Whole Herbs: Decoct the herbs in water. Soak a cloth in the warm decoction. Allow time for the compress to cool. Apply to the area. To maximize potency, or if a warm application is desired, occlude the compress while in place.
Granules: Dissolve the granules in warm water
How to Make An Herbal Tincture:
Whole Herbs: Place raw herbs in a glass container and cover with rice wine, drinking alcohol, vinegar, or other tincturing medium. Store container in a cool dark place and gently agitate the solution daily. Soaking times vary, but solution is generally usable in 1-3 weeks. Strain or filter out herbs and use the remaining liquid either topically or internally as prescribed.
Granules: Not recommended for tinctures
How to Make An Herbal Ointment:
Order herbs as a granulated powder or grind herbs into a powder. Combine herbal powder with a medium such as vegetable or mineral oil or petroleum jelly. Apply to area. Occluding the application with a bandage is recommended in most cases.