Gui Pi Tang 歸脾湯 - Restore the Spleen Formula
Ginseng and Longan Combination
Origin of Gui Pi Tang* - Restore the Spleen
Formulas To Aid The Living - JI SHENG FAN - by YANG YONG-HE, 1253 AD
Gui Pi Tang has many uses. The Spleen regulates digestion, so the formula is sometimes used for digestive complaints.
Disharmony between the Spleen and the Heart causes sleep problems, so GUI PI Wan is often used for insomnia.
The Spleen also supports "the flesh", (muscles), and the patency of the blood vessels. That's why GUI PI Tang is used for bleeding disorders caused by Spleen Deficiency. The use of the formula to treat bleeding was first noted about 100 years after the formula was written. When used for this purpose today, the formula is often enhanced by adding hemostatic herbs, most commonly E JIAO (ass hide glue)
Gui Pi Tang TCM Uses
- Benefits the Spleen
- Stops Bleeding
- Nourishes the Blood
- Calms the Spirit
The spleen and heart are injured by stress, too much worrying and overthinking, as well as by excessive or erratic dietary habits.
Gui Pi Wan tonifies (strengthens) both the spleen and the heart, addressing both digestive and emotional issues, as well as some kinds of chronic bleeding.
GUI PI TANG Ingredients
Ren Shen | Ginseng | 12% |
or (Dang Shen) | (Codonopsis) | |
Fu Shen | Poria | 12% |
Bai Zhu | White Atractylodes | 12% |
Long Yan Rou | Longan Fruit | 12% |
Huang Qi (Bei) | Astragalus Root | 12% |
Dang Gui (Shen) | Tangkuei | 10% |
Suan Zao Ren | Zizyphus | 10% |
Yuan Zhi | Polygala | 8% |
Mu Xiang | Vladimiria | 4% |
Gan Cao | Licorice | 4% |
Da Zao (Red) | Jujube - dates(Red) | 2% |
Sheng Jiang | Ginger (Fresh) | 2% |
Dosage of GUI PI WAN
Granules: 2-4 grams, 2-3 times a day
Tablets: 6 tablets, 2-3 times a day
Teapills: 8 teapills, 3 times a day
Whole Herbs: Combine 1 package of herbs with 1-2 liters of water. Medium boil for 45 minutes, until liquid is reduced to 2- cups. Drink 1 cup in the AM and 1 cup in the PM.
Tips on Drinking Chinese Herbal Decoctions
First, while cooking herbs, ventilate the kitchen. This stops the odor from deterring you (and your family). If you find the taste of your medicine disagreeable, hold your nose when you drink your herbs. This eliminates almost all the taste. Drink your herbs lukewarm or at room temperature. Hot liquids must be sipped slowly. If you hate the taste, you'll want to drink it down quickly. Cold liquids have less taste but may be hard to digest.After drinking your medicine, chew a few raisins or place a drop of lemon juice on your tongue to eliminate any aftertaste.
Herbs can be absorbed up to 30% better when taken on an empty stomach. Allow at least a half hour after taking herbs before eating or taking additional medicines. There are some exceptions. If your medicine proves difficult to digest, try taking it with food or after eating. Some doctors believe that formulas designed for the upper body should be taken after eating. Some medicines are best taken with other liquids such as wine (injuries or vascular problems), broth (to aid digestion of the herbs), or salt water (messenger to the Kidneys).
Gui Pi Tang Safety & Side Effects
- Contraindicated for those with Interior Heat.
- Contraindicated for those with Yin Deficiency with Heat signs.
Pregnant or nursing women should consult their health care provider before taking any supplement. Gui Pi Tang is not effective or recommended for bleeding during pregnancy.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. As TCM is not based on symptoms alone, self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended. Best to start a low cost online-herbal-consultation.
What’s the Difference Between Gui Pi TANG, Gui Pi PIAN, Gui Pi WAN, or Gui Pi SAN
- PIAN = Tablet (modern looking pill)
- WAN = Pill (old-style or handmade pill, or black teapill)
- TANG = Water Decoction (boiled whole herbs)
- SAN = Powder (milled or granulated)
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.