Gou Qi Zi - Goji Berry | Lycii Fructus | 枸杞子

also known as
- Botanical: Lycii Fructus
- English: Go Ji Berry
- Mandarine: GOU QI ZI
- Japanese: Kukoshi
- Korean: Kugicha
When was GOJI berry first used?
It's use in Chinese medicine was first published in Miscellaneous Records of Famous Physicians by MING YI BIE LU circa 500 AD.
What are the benefits of GOJI berry?
Goji berry is classified as a Blood tonic, but is not generally thought to have toxin cleaning properties. Instead, Goji berry is used for patterns of Kidney and Liver YIN Deficiency.
Kidney related issues can be indicated by ear related problems, low back pain, weak legs, and sometimes diminished libido or premature ejaculation. GOU QI ZI, (Goji berry) though useful for these conditions, is most often used for Liver YIN Deficiency which manifest with eye related problems such as blurred vision, impaired vision, floaters, and dry eyes.
GOU QI ZI is often combined with rehmannia (SHU DI HUAN0 to boost its YIN and Blood strengthening powers.
A Misconception about GOJI berry
Contrary to incorrect information online, goji berries are not used to flush toxins from the body.
How to combine GOJI berry for maximum effect.
Go Ji berry is usually combined with JU HUA (chrysanthemum flower), MI MENG HUA (buddleia flower), or JUE MING ZI (fetid cassia seeds) for these eye related conditions. It is used with both rehmannia and chrysanthemum in the famous formula QI JU DI HUANG WAN.
GOU JI ZI, though usually thought of as a YIN and Blood Tonic, can also strengthen the Kidney YANG. Combining it with TU SU ZI (cuscutta seeds) or DU ZHONG (eucommia cortex) brings out this aspect of the Go Ji Berry.
GO JI Berry Safety and Side Effects
Though generally regarded as safe, this tasty sweet and tart fruit should be used with caution in people with weak digestion or for those who have recently become ill with a respiratory infection, as it could prolong or worsen these conditions. Though it has a neutral nature, it should also be used cautiously by those with Interior Heat patterns.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. As TCM is not based on symptoms alone, self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended. Best to start a low cost online-herbal-consultation.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Pregnant or nursing women should consult their health care provider before taking any supplement.