Dr. Shen's Women's Precious Pills 八珍丸 - Two for One Sale
Two for One
While Supplies Last
(May be near or past best buy date, but are Fully Potent)
When to Use Women's Precious Pills
- Supports Normal Menstruation
- Supports Normal Fertility
- Builds Blood
- Tonifies QI.
- Fatigue
- Pallor
- Irregular, Light, or Difficult Menses
- Builds Blood
- Tonifies QI
Women's Precious Ingredients
Dang Gui
Strengthens Blood, Invigorates Blood, Harmonizes Blood
Bai Shao
Nourishes the Blood, Pacifies the Liver, Retains the Yin
Shu Di Huang
Tonifies the Blood, Tonifies the Heart, Liver & Kidneys
Chuan Xiong
Invigorates the Blood
Dang Shen
Benefits the Qi(energy), Nourishes Fluids
Bai Zhu
Benefits the Qi(energy), Tonifies the Spleen, Dries Dampness
Fu Ling
Leeches out Dampness, Strengthens Digestion, Harmonizes the Middle Burner, Calms the Spirit, Improves the performance of other tonifying herbs
Zhi Gan Cao
Tonifies the Spleen, Benefits the Qi, Detoxifies Fire Poisons, Moderates and Harmonizes other herbs, Improves the performance of other tonifying herbs.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.