Chih-ko & Curcuma - Seven Forests
Xiao Zhong Liu Pian: A formula for resolving masses
The Seven Forests line is designed for practitioner use or for patients under the care of a trained practitioner. By purchasing a Seven Forests product on this website you affirm that you are a trained practitioner or that you have been prescribed this product by a practitioner trained in its use.
Self-diagnosis and self treatment aren't recommended for chronic, recurring, long term, or serious conditions. To insure the best outcome for yourself and minimize the cost and chance of side effects, you are urged to find a local TCM practitioner or Start an E-mail Consultation here and now.
When to Use Chih-ko & Curcuma, and
When Not to Use Chih-ko & Curcuma
Chih-ko & Curcuma Usage
- Tumors, Abscesses, Solid cysts
- Swollen masses
- Resolve masses
- Disperse Blood
- Regulate Qi
Chih-ko & Curcuma Cautions and Contraindications
Not for Use During Pregnancy.
Formulas are intended for health care professionals or for those knowledgeable of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
TCM is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't usually recommended.
Please consider an online-herbal-consultation.
Chih-ko & Curcuma Dosage
2-3 tablets, 3X a day, or as prescribed.
Best on an empty stomach.
Chih-ko & Curcuma Ingredients
Zhi Ke | Aurantium Fruit | 16% |
Yu Jin | Curcuma | 12% |
Xian He Cao | Agrimony | 7% |
Zao Jiao Ci | Gleditsia Spine | 7% |
Mo Yao | Myrrh | 7% |
Bei Mu (Zhe) | Fritillaria (Zhe) | 7% |
Jin Yin Hua | Lonicera Flower | 7% |
Wa Leng Zi | Ark Shell (Cockle Shell) | 7% |
Mu Li | Oyster Shell | 6% |
Xuan Fu Hua | Inula Flowers | 6% |
Xia Ku Cao | Prunella Spica Flower | 6% |
Shan Dou Gen | Sophora Subprostrata | 6% |
Hai Zao | Sargassum | 6% |
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.