Stomach Curing Pills 康寜丸 - Dr. Shen's
Feel Better Fast

Usually within 15 minutes, these herbal wonders quickly relieve the queasiness and headache of a bad hangover.
Normal digestive QI moves downward, but at times, digestive QI can rebel and go upward. Dr. Shen's Stomach Curing Pills help to quickly re-direct rebellious QI downward.
Use Stomach Curing Pills for:
- Hangover
- Nausea
- Upset Stomach
- Overeating
- Motion Sickness
- Simple Indigestion
- Chemo related nausea
Curing Pills Safety & Side Effects
Curing pills are meant for occasional use of minor discomforts. For chronic stomach or other digestive complaints, please see your healthcare provider.
Curing Pills are generally considered safe for everyone, nevertheless pregnant women are advised to consult with their health care providers before using any supplement. Traditional Chinese Medicine, when used properly, is powerful and reliable, but it can also be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended for chronic, recurring, or serious illness. Best to Start an E-mail Consultation now.
Stomach Curing Pills Dosage:
2-4 tablets as needed, or as prescribed.
Curing Pills Ingredients:
Costus Root, Saussureae Radix - Mu Xiang
Angelica Root, Angelica Dahurica, Bai Zhi
Hawthorn Fruit, Crataegi Fructus, Shan Zha
Mint Leaf, Mentha Folium, Bo He
Citrus Peel, Citri Rubrum Exocarpium, Chen Pi
Chrysanthemum, Ju Hua
Ornamental Orchid, Gastrodia Rhiz, Tian Ma
Hoelen Mushroom, Poria Cocos, Fu Ling
Job's Tears, Coicis Semen, Yi Yi Ren
Magnolia Bark, gnolia Cortex, Hou Po
Patchouli, Agastache Pogostemi, Huo Xiang
White Atractylodis, Atractylodis Rx, Bai Zhu
Rice Sprout, Oryzae Germinatus, Gu Ya
Kudzu Root, Pueraria Radix, Ge Gen
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.