Qing Shu Tang 清暑湯
Clear Summerheat Decoction
Generally used for |
Formula Actions |
QING SHU TANG Ingredients
Pharmaceutical / English
Pin Yin
% |
Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | 15 |
Pollen Typhae | Pu Huang | 15 |
Cornsilk* | Yu Mi Xu* | 15 |
Talc | Hua Shi | -- |
Honeysuckle | Jin Yin Hua | 15 |
Red Peony Root | Chi Shao | 10 |
Sm. Plantaginis | Che Qian Zi | 10 |
Rz. Alismatis | Ze Xie | 10 |
Licorice Root | Gan Cao | 10 |
* replaces talc (a suspected carcinogen)
Qing Shu Tang Dosage
Granules: 2-4 grams, taken 2-3 times a day, best on an empty stomach, or as prescribed
QING SHU TANG Safety and Side-Effects
Pregnant and nursing women should consult their healthcare provider before using any supplement.
Most formulas are prescribed according to a TCM diagnosis and are designed for use by practitioners. If you are not a practitioner, self-prescribing is emphatically not recommended. To insure the best outcome, and to minimize any chance of side effects, we urge you to click here and Start a TeleVisit or E-mail Consultation.
*Information is for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your health care provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease