SHEN-GEM by Health Concerns
Modified Gui Pi Wan

When we think of Spleen tonics we are usually intending herbs for digestive disharmony with symptoms such as low appetite, loose stool, low energy, etc. However, according to TCM, the Spleen has several lesser known functions that also require adjustment from time to time.
Shen-Gem (GUI PI WAN) takes advantage of two of the Spleen's lesser known functions which support the body in other ways.
The Foundations of Chinese Medicine declares that, "When spleen qi is deficient, it can not hold the blood in the vessels and bleeding appears from various sources." This is called deficiency bleeding and it may take forms such as bruising easily, or functional bleeding from various orifices.
This is deficiency or vacuity bleeding, resulting from a QI deficiency, as opposed to the excess bleeding that might stem from trauma or heat in the blood, both of which can also cause the blood to leave the vessels. Shen-Gem and GUI PI WAN address this by strengthening that aspect of the Spleen which maintains the patency of the vessels, perhaps by strengthening the vessel walls or perhaps by some other, still mysterious, mechanism.
Shen-Gem (GUI PI WAN) also benefits the relation between the Spleen and the Heart. If the blood making functions of the Spleen are impaired, Heart Blood may be diminished. This deficiency results in complaints of difficulty falling asleep, loss of memory, weakened concentration, and short attention span. This formula contains herbs like SUAN ZAO REN and YUAN ZI to strengthen Heart Blood, often permitting sounder sleep, sharper focus, and better memory.
copyright 2015, by Shen Clinic
SHEN-GEM Uses and Indications of When to Use It
- Memory Loss
- Poor Sleep
- Difficulty Falling Asleep
- Tired
- Low Appetite
- Pallor
SHEN-GEM's TCM Uses and Properties
- Builds Heart Blood
- Tonifies Spleen
- Calms the SHEN
SHEN-GEM Serving Size
SHEN-GEM's Safety and Side-Effects
SHEN-GEM Ingredients
Ren Shen | Ginseng Root |
Bai Zhu | Atractylodes (Alba) Rhizome |
Suan Zao Ren | Zizyphus |
Huang Qi (Bei) | Astragalus Root |
Dang Gui (Shen) | Tangkuei |
Dan Shen | Chinese Salvia Root |
Chi Shao | Chinese Red Peony Root |
Yuan Zhi | Polygala Root |
Wu Wei Zi | Schisandra Berry |
Gan Jiang | Ginger - Dried |
Mu Xiang (Chuang) | Costus Root |
Gan Cao | Licorice Root |
Sha Ren | Cardamom Fruit |
*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.