CALM SPIRIT | Health Concerns
Modified Ding Xin Wan
Also see: Shen Clinic's Smiling Buddha Granules, and ACTIVE HERB CHAI HU JIA LONG GU MU LI TANG
Settles the Spirit, Nourishes the Blood, Supplements Heart and Liver Yin, and Lubricates the Intestines.
CALM SPIRIT is best for
- Sadness Or Woe
- Stress Or Friction
- Smoking Or Drug Withdrawal
- Restless or Anxious
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Constipation Due To Stress
- Dry Mouth
- Failing Memory
- Calms Spirit
- Nourishes Blood
- Nourish Heart Yin
- Moistens The Intestines
Indications for When to Use It
- Low Spirits
- Stress
- Smoking withdrawal
- Restlessness
- Anxiety and nervousness
- Poor sleep
- Constipation due to stress
- Dry mouth
- Poor memory
Notes: Though Calm Spirit includes the traditional formula, Heart Stabilizing Pills (DING XIN WAN), it is actually is a totally new hybrid version of the original, because of the addition of many non traditional ingredients, such as Magnesium Aspartate, Taurine, Akmylase, CereCalase, Protease, Catalase, alpha-Galactosidase, Lipase, Glucoamylase, Cellulase, Malt Diatase. These are substances with no history of use within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Most Health Concerns Products are now capsules rather than tablets.
3 capsules, 2 to 3 times a day.
CALM SPIRIT's Traditional Herbal Ingredients
- Biota seed (Bai Zi Ren) Tonifies Heart Qi And Yin
- White Peony root (Bai Shao) Builds Blood
- Tang Kuei root (Dang Gui) Tonifies and Moves Blood
- Fu shen sclerotium (Fu Shen) Calms the Spirit
- Polygala root (Yuan Zhi) Tonifies Heart Qi And Yin. Lubricates the Intestines
- Zizyphus seed (Suan Zao Ren) Nourishes the Heart. Calms the Spirit
- Ophiopogon tuber (Mai Men Dong) Nourishes the YIN. Lubricates the Intestines
- Codonopsis root (Dang Shen) Tonifies Spleen QI
Amber resin (Hu Po) Anchors the Shen Stabilizes the Spirit
CALM SPIRIT's Modern Ingredients
Magnesium Aspartate, Taurine, Akmylase, CereCalase, Protease, Catalase, alpha-Galactosidase, Lipase, Glucoamylase, Cellulase, Malt Diastase.
Catalase neutralizes free radicals that are created with stress and which assault organs and body tissue, particularly of the brain. This phenomenon might interfere with both your energy and your memory.
Enzymes extracted from Aspergillus assist digestion and assimilation,
Magnesium benefits the nerves and plays a part in energy production within each cell.
CALM SPIRIT Cautions and Contraindications:
Use cautiously with Spleen Deficiency. Do not use with diarrhea or loose stool.
As this is a novel formula, in use for less than 100 years, it may still be considered experimental in nature.
Natural Medicine can be potent, and potentially complex; Self diagnosis and treatment aren't recommended for difficult, chronic, or recurring conditions. Please consider an e-mail/phone or TeleVisit consultation at Online-Herbal-Consultation