COLD AWAY - Health Concerns
Cold Away is a modern invention that combines herbs from several cold remedies, GAN MAO LING, ZONG GAN LING and YIN CHIAO together with several herbs, such as CHUAN XIN LIAN (andrographis) and HUANG QIN (scutellaria) not found in these 3 formulas.
Formulated to combat Wind-Heat, this herbal supplement may be helpful in most Wind-Cold conditions as well. Also, because it includes CANG ER ZI (Xanthium) it may also be useful for supporting those with allergies.
For people who work with children, health care professionals who work with sick people, and those susceptible to respiratory ills, Chinese cold products can be a revelation and life changer.
Imagine being able to reliably arrest and stop these evils the very first day. If this seems like a fantasy to you, you probably haven't tried many Chinese herbal cold products. Taken properly, these amazing formulas can often stop a cold in its tracks on the first or second day. In instances where they fail, they still provide fast and effective relieve of your cold symptoms . And they do this without the unpleasant side-efffects of the modern-day cold medicines you get at you drug store.
Cold Away Herbs are Used for:
- Aversion To Cold
- Nasal Congestion
- Fever
- Chest Congestion
- Coughing
- Aversion To Wind
- Headache
- Sore Throat
- Swollen Tonsils
Cold Away's TCM Therapeutic Effects:
- Clears Wind-Heat
- Resolves Phlegm-Damp
Safety Cautions and Contraindications
Use this formula only for acute cases. Cold-Away is meant to provide same-day relief and is not designed for long-term use.
An immune formula that may be used long term is Jade Shield.
Cold symptoms lasting more than a few weeks may signal an interior imbalance, best addressed by a practitioner of TCM.
Use cautiously in people with loose stool or Spleen Deficiency.
TCM is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended. Best to start an Online, Phone or TeleVisit-Consultation .
Cold Away Dosage
What's In Cold Away
Bai Zhi - angelica root | Angelica Dahurica | Clears Nasal, Sinus Congestion | |
Ban Lan Gen - isatis root | Isatis Radix | Cleans Toxins, Clear Heat | |
Cang Er Zi - cocklebur fruit | Xanthium Fructus | Unblocks Nose & Sinuses | |
Chen Pi (Ju Pi) - citrus peel | Citri Pericarpium | Transforms Phlegm | |
Chuan Xin Lian * - andrographis | Andrographis Herba | Clears Heat Cleans Toxins | |
Da Qing Ye - Isatis Leaf (indigo) | Baphicacanthus Folium | Clears Heat Cleans Toxins | |
Gan Cao - licorice root | Glycyrrhiza Radix | Detoxifies, Promotes Absorbtion | |
Huang Qin - baical scullcap root | Scutellaria Radix | Clears Upper Body Heat | |
Jie Geng - balloon flower root | Platycodon Radix | Dissolves Phlegm in Throat | |
Jin Yin Hua - honeysuckle flower | Lonicera Flos | Clears Heat, Cleans toxin | |
Lian Qiao - forsythia fruit | Forsythia Fructus | Clears Heat, Cleans toxin | |
Xin Yi Hua - magnolia bud | Magnolia Flos | Opens Nasal Passages | |
Ye Ju Hua - wild chrysanthemum | Chrysanthemomi Flos | Drains Fire, Cleans Toxins |
*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.