Zuo Gui Wan 左歸丸 - Restore the Left (Kidney) Pill
Replenishing the Yin (Left) Pills
ZUO GUI WAN History and Use
A classic Ming dynasty formula, ZUO GUI WAN has been traditionally used for Kidney Yin or Yang Deficiency.
Note that ZUO GUI WAN, contains both YIN and YANG strengthening herbs. Using YIN tonics like GUI BAN (turtle shell), SHU DI HUANG (rehmannia), and GOU QI ZI (lycium), but ZUO GUI also containing LU JIAO (antler) and TU SU ZI (cuscuta seeds) to strengthen the YANG of the Kidney as well.
ZUO GUI WAN contains 5 of the 6 herbs found in the famous YIN tonic Rehmannia Six (LIU WEI DI HUANG ), and is often preferred over LIU WEI when Kidney YIN deficiency causes fatigue, while LIU WEI is preferred when treating dryness caused by YIN deficiency.
Also note that ZUO GUI WAN as well as LIU WEI DI HUANG both use the astringent herb SHAN ZHU YU (cornus) to astringe the Kidney to prevent loss of fluids and essence (JING)
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ZUO GUI WAN's Uses and Properties
Formula Actions |
ZUO GUI WAN Ingredients
Steamed Foxglove root | Shu Di Huang |
Yam root | Shan Yao |
Gou Ji berry | Gou Qi Zi |
Deer Antler Gelatin | Lu Jiao Jiao |
Tortoise Shell | Gui Ban Jiao |
Cornelian Cherry | Shan Zhu Yu |
Achyranthes root | Niu Xi |
Dodder Seed | Tu Su Zi |
Safety & Side Effects of ZUO GUI WAN
- Use with caution and modify for those with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency.
- Contraindicated for those with signs of Excess Heat.
- This formula is not suited for long-term use.
Pregnant and nursing women should always consult their health care provider before taking any supplement.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. As TCM is not based on symptoms alone, self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended. Best to start a low cost online-herbal-consultation.
* Information is for educational purpose and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your healthcare provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.