Qing Lian Gao 清臉膏 - Clear the Face Ointment [TOPICAL]
Topical Herbs for Psoriasis
Our whole herbs are always premium grade, and pesticide free, wildcrafted, or organic whenever feasible.
Generally used for |
Formula Actions |
QING LIAN GAO Ingredients
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis | Dang Gui | 70% |
Rx. Lithospermi | Zi Cao | 30% |
Safety and Side Effects of QING LIAN GAO
Pregnant and nursing women should consult their healthcare provider before using any supplement.
Most formulas are designed for use by practitioners. If you are not a practitioner, self-prescribing is not recommended. To insure the best outcome, and to minimize any chance of side effects, we urge you to Start an E-mail Consultation or TeleVisit.
Make an Ointment:
Put herbs into a pot with 5000 ml vegetable oil for 2 hours. Bake until yellow. Apply topically 1-2 times per day.
Make A Soak:
Whole Herbs: Using a container made of ceramic, glass, or stainless steel (no aluminum, iron or copper) boil 1 packet of herbs in 1-quart (or liter) of water until 2 cups of medicine remain. Adjust lid and heat to control evaporation. Strain herbs; and refrigerate for a second boiling (if desired). Or as prescribed by your practitioner.
Granules: Dissolve the granules in warm water
Make An Herbal Compress:
Whole Herbs: Decoct the herbs in water. Soak a cloth in the warm decoction. Allow time for the compress to cool. Apply to the area. To maximize potency, or if a warm application is desired, occlude the compress while in place.
Granules: Dissolve the granules in warm water
Make A Tincture:
Whole Herbs: Place raw herbs in a glass container and cover with rice wine, drinking alcohol, vinegar, or other tincturing medium. Store container in a cool dark place and gently agitate the solution daily. Soaking times vary, but solution is generally usable in 1-3 weeks. Strain or filter out herbs and use the remaining liquid topically as prescribed.
* Information is for educational purpose and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your healthcare provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.